Welcome to MES Physical Education!
Every day when the students enter the gym, they hit this sign that is hanging on the wall by the door, much like in sports when the players exit the locker room and head to the field or gym and hit a sign or other moniker. By hitting this sign, students agree to follow class rules and expectations. We want them to get in that mindset of being the best version of themselves each and every day they come to PE. This is their "Mustang Promise" to us and to their classmates.
We really stress safety in the gym, which is why it is our first rule. The kids understand from the first day that unsafe or reckless behavior will not be tolerated. We sometimes have upwards of 50 students at a time, so it's important that everyone is on the same page with this one.
The rest of the rules are pretty self-explanatory, however, please pay special attention to rule #5, relating to proper PE attire. This is a big one. Students are required to wear proper footwear on their PE days. This is a safety issue, and must be followed. Another thing to pay attention to is clothing. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for physical activity as well. Please no dresses, skirts, short shorts, etc. Athletic clothing is best. We greatly appreciate your help with this!
This poster hangs in our "Conflict Corner" and is a reminder to the students of the "big picture" of why we play our games, and what's really important in PE. It also is a great way to help promote the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) aspect of Physical Education. If there is a conflict between students during a game, we ask them to go to the Conflict Corner to try and resolve their problems with each other in a constructive way using the "Can We Talk" steps. There is a 6-step process to help guide the students if they need it (Take a deep breath, 1 at a time explain the problem you have, Listen to each other, Brainstorm a solution together, Shake Hands, Re-join the game). If after a few minutes the students still have not resolved their conflict, they are to both calmly come to find a teacher to help them. We are really trying to get the students to work on conflict resolution and not always relying on an adult to help them solve small problems or disagreements.
This is our Daily Self-Assessment and is a way for students to reflect on how they did that day. The WOW at the top is our daily "Wow Challenge".
In each class, there is a challenge the students will try to accomplish in order to hit the WOW challenge on their way out the door. It could be behavior-related, skill-related, or game outcome-related. We also try to personalize this for students that need that extra motivation.
On their way out the door, students will slap the sign they believe they have achieved for that day. If a student has to sit out, they are expected to hit the last one for Need More Effort in the hopes they realize they can do better and will do better next time.