Welcome to MES Physical Education!
Grading & Conduct Policy
In PE, we grade on participation, basis, with a few summative assessments mixed in that will go towards your child's final grade for each semester. Below is a breakdown of what we have so far, but please keep in mind this is subject to change based off of timing and other uncontrollable factors that may prevent us from getting to what we want to cover throughout any given semester, or if we decide to add graded work to show student learning. All grades will be updated in Infinite Campus and Google Classroom as necessary.
K-2nd Grading Policy
Students have the opportunity to earn up to 36 participation points during each semester, and 1 point for each time they come to PE. Points are earned if the child is appropriately dressed for PE activities (click here to see appropriate PE attire requirements and class rules), and participates in class activities. If a student has to sit out for misbehavior for a whole class period, they will lose that point for the day.
Pass- 26-36 points
Fail- 0-25 points
***Student Grade will also include 4 separate grading periods worth 100 points each.
K-2nd Conduct Grading Policy
Conduct grade is based off of how many "strikes" a student receives within a given grading period. A student will receive a strike for having to sit out of class for breaking a class rule after a verbal warning is given (click here for class rules and expectations). Conduct grades are given on 3 levels, Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or Needs Improvement (N).
Satisfactory (S)- 0 or 2 strikes given w/in grading period
Unsatisfactory (U)- 3 strikes given w/in grading period
Needs Improvement (N)- 4+ strikes given w/in grading period, or if student shows little improvement from previous grading period
3rd-5th Grading Policy
Students have the opportunity to earn up to 36 participation points during each semester, and 1 point for each time they come to PE. Points are earned if the child is appropriately dressed for PE activities (click here to see appropriate PE attire requirements and class rules), and participates in class activities. If a student has to sit out for misbehavior for a whole class period, they will lose that point for the day.
Pass- 26-36 points
Fail- 0-25 points
***Student Grade will also include 4 separate grading periods worth 100 points each.
3rd-5th Conduct Grading Policy
Conduct grade is based off of how many "strikes" a student receives within a given grading period. A student will receive a strike for having to sit out of class for breaking a class rule after a verbal warning is given (click here for class rules and expectations). Conduct grades are given on 3 levels, Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or Needs Improvement (N).
Satisfactory (S)- 0 or 2 strikes given w/in grading period
Unsatisfactory (U)- 3 strikes given w/in grading period
Needs Improvement (N)- 4+ strikes given w/in grading period, or if student shows little improvement from previous grading period